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事情发生的经过: 365足彩下载有 开业登记 今年的城市视觉展, the biggest and best annual conference 为 municipal professionals and 当地的 elected officials from all corners of the Tar Heel state. 今年,我们要去美丽的河畔威尔明顿. 

单词释义:  我们将一起花两天时间向有吸引力的演讲者学习, educational sessions and one-on-one time that will give you the tools you need to face challenges in your town or city. 在此公告中有一篇更深入的详细文章. 

利用: 为5月6日至7日做个计划 在威尔明顿会议中心. 注册是实时的!​ 在4月10日之前注册即可享受早鸟价格. 

瘦子: CityVision is the best expression of League-member advantages and fellowship, showing the diversity of our 540-plus municipalities while also circling the commonalities and pride that make us the cities and towns we are. 连接. 参与. 学习. 网络.

报名已开始CityVision 2020, the League's annual conference that always brings future-readying educational opportunities and classic cameraderie among municipal officials from the staff and elected levels across North Carolina. And in a first 为 CityVision, we're going to beautiful downtown Wilmington! Mark your calendars 为 May 6-7 在威尔明顿会议中心 俯瞰开普菲尔河. 早期注册 避免滞纳金. 预登记将于4月10日星期五结束.

期待两天的精彩演讲, educational sessions and one-on-one time that will give you the tools you need to face challenges in your town or city. This year, CityVision will include ethics training 为 elected officials. This training meets the criteria 为 ethics training as state law requires. 其他教育课程将侧重于就业法、水资源 & wastewater, cyber security, economic development and so much more. 

CityVision's newest addition will be a Speed 网络ing session inside the Riverside Expo exhibit hall. We invite you to take advantage of this one-on-one time with sponsors and exhibitors on May 6. 的 League’s 保护服务 risk control staff will host Law En为cement Firearm 培训 preview sessions. 的se 30-minute sessions will use state-of-the-art technology that trains police officers how to appropriately respond and de-escalate when confronted with an active shooter, 好斗的社区成员, 或其他, 类似的场景.

不要等待注册. 前往我们的 活动页面 为 all the info you need to prepare 为 CityVision 2020 in Wilmington. 

Interviewed by WRAL News as the coronavirus threatens to spread into U.S. 社区, 365足彩下载的斯科特·穆尼汉姆说 the need 为 adequate internet access in people's homes becomes even more important. 雇主, 例如, may plan work-from-home periods 为 their employees to reduce risks of potential person-to-person spread of the virus, 在这种情况下,互联网接入可能是必要的. Telehealth -- accessing legitimate medical help over the internet -- would also require reliable, 高速互联网接入. “如果有必要采取公共卫生措施, 我们知道在线访问将比以往任何时候都更加重要,穆尼汉姆告诉新闻媒体, 注意到365足彩下载的 推动宽带扩展 在目前没有它的地区, many of them rural and in need of modern connectivity 为 a host of reasons. "It really does highlight what we’ve been saying – this is not a luxury," Mooneyham said. "Broadband access is critical infrastructure, and everyone needs access."
Officials at all levels of 政府ernment are studying up on this newsmaking virus to manage community risk. Public health officials say it may spread from person to person or through contact with infected surfaces or objects. “联邦政府一直在与州政府密切合作, 当地的, 部落, 领土伙伴, 以及公共卫生合作伙伴, 以应对这一公共卫生威胁. 前所未有的, aggressive ef为ts have been taken to contain the spread and mitigate the impact of this virus,疾病控制和预防中心在2月11日的一份报告中说. 26日发表声明. 疾控中心设立了一个 教育网页 关于冠状病毒以及社区如何做好准备.

超过5美元.5 million in grant money has gone out to 当地的 政府ernments toward job creation and private investment. 根据… 新闻稿 本周从州长办公室,N.C. Rural Infrastructure Authority approved 17 grant requests that came with commitments to create 436 jobs and attract more than $82 million in private investments. “Rural North Carolina needs investments in water and sewer systems and buildings to attract better paying jobs,“政府. 罗伊·库珀在新闻稿中说道. 资金将用于这些和其他改进, like the reuse of vacant buildings and expansions of existing businesses. 的 新闻发布会上有完整的名单 of award amounts and recipients along with in为mation about the funding program.

美国.S. 人口普查局 这周说的 that its 2020 Census Community Partnership and 参与ment Program has reached, 提前完成计划, 它的目标是300,在全美范围内,有5000个合作组织.S. 包括地方政府, 社区组织, 当地的 businesses and more who have pledged support 为 the most complete and accurate counts as possible in the 2020 Census. “的 2020 Census is a national asset and belongs to everyone across the country," said Dr. 史蒂文·迪林厄姆(Steven Dillingham)是美国农业部的主任.S. 人口普查局. "We engage partners and supporters across the country to remind everyone that participating in the 人口普查 is safe, 简单又重要." 

北卡罗莱纳投入了大量的努力,并在全国各地传播消息 人口普查.nc.政府 国家人口参与的重要性. Census results figure into myriad programs and decisions that affect 当地的ities, 包括获得赠款和其他资金. State-level 人口普查 officials are asking every community 为 support with its N.C. 普查伙伴指南.

的 National Weather Service believes we're headed into another flood-heavy year across the country, and with so many communities still dealing with the effects of previous years' floods, a new poll shows a massive percentage of Americans favoring more resilient infrastructure. 来自皮尤慈善信托基金 最新公布的民意调查结果 强调两党对它的支持. Eighty-five percent of Americans "favor a requirement that federally funded structures are designed to better withstand flooding,皮尤的一份新闻稿说, 与民主党, 共和党和无党派人士对此表示赞同. Eighty-three percent of Americans "support providing communities and states with pre-disaster grants to upgrade roadways so they can better withstand harsh weather,它继续说道。, 两党达成一致. "Doing so would help improve the resiliency of vulnerable and repeatedly damaged assets be为e the next storm.​"