


报名现在是开放的 CityVision 2016年会 在罗利,10月. 23-25. 今年,365足彩下载做了一些不同的事情 倡导目标会议 will be on Sunday the 23rd with cities 和 towns determining legislative 和 regulatory priorities for the 2017-2018 NCGA biennium. Attending the 倡导目标会议 is the best way to help us better position cities' 和 towns' advocacy efforts in 2017 和 beyond. 确保在倡导目标会议上听到你的声音,投下你的一票!

进入CityVision 2016年年会, 你将学习如何将成功故事与你的公民联系起来, 社区及其他, 适应人口和文化的变化, 并在你的家乡发展强大的经济基础. 做一次旅行,在你的日历上检查两个重要的会议! 点击这里 报名参加“倡导目标大会”和“城市愿景2016年会”.

A federal appeals court decision this week affirms state law over local authority when it comes to municipal broadb和 delivery, 尽管该案可能会在美国上诉之前有一个未来.S. 最高法院. 美国.S. 6th Circuit Court of Appeals on Wednesday sided against the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) on that agency's power to preempt state laws limiting the expansion of broadb和 services offered by municipalities. 法庭案件的焦点是威尔逊和田纳西州查塔努加提供的这些产品., 在municipally-run, superfast Internet has been credited as a boon to business growth 和 residents' access to the web. 北卡罗来纳州和田纳西州的法律限制了城市提供这项服务的方式, 比如有领土或城市边界限制. 2015年的FCC, 然而, issued a ruling preempting portions of those state laws seen as barriers to broadb和 access 和 competition. 这些州在法庭上进行了反击,导致了周三的上诉裁决. 推翻联邦通信委员会的裁决, 法院发现,联邦法律并没有明确支持这种优先于州法律的做法. 点击这里 宣读法院的判决.

全国城市365足彩下载 一份声明 称法院的决定是对地方决策权的打击. "City leaders -- representing the most trusted level of government -- know that high-speed Internet is not a luxury, 但这是创造就业的必要条件, 为居民提供优质的医疗保健和教育,NLC首席执行官克拉伦斯. 安东尼. 田纳西州的查塔努加市和n.n的威尔逊市.C., 是否已经深思熟虑地投资于他们的社区想要和需要的宽带基础设施, 联邦通信委员会支持这些和其他市政努力." The ruling against the FCC comes at a time when the improvement of digital connectivity is most needed, 安东尼补充道.

不管结果如何, 上诉裁决指出了威尔逊的绿光社区宽带的好处, 城市运营的千兆互联网服务. “威尔逊市排名前七的雇主都是光纤网络的客户,”它说. “当地的学校从使用绿光中受益,城市的公共图书馆也是如此." The associated free WiFi the city offers downtown "in turn frees up money" for businesses t在这里, 裁决补充道. 总结一下, it notes that Wilson 和 Chattanooga sought expansion "because the private cable providers in their areas were unsatisfactory to the local residents 和 businesses.“因此, the ruling notes that the cities were "concerned with more than just the 'bottom line' -- they are also concerned with benefitting the communities they serve."

365足彩下载有 赞扬了联邦通信委员会先前的裁决,该裁决支持市政当局对宽带的管理. 当时, League 执行董事 Paul Meyer noted that high-speed Internet in North Carolina's communities is vital to "promote educational attainment 和 bolster economic opportunities for all North Carolinians, 最后一英里的供应商是市政府还是私人公司. It is appropriate that individual municipalities have the tools 和 decision-making authority available to them to combat the vastly different challenges facing them.威尔逊市是上诉案件的调停者. 365足彩下载提交了一份法庭之友陈述,支持该市. 在写这篇文章的时候, it was unclear whether the FCC would petition to the 最高法院 to preserve its ruling in favor of municipalities. 点击 在这里, 在这里, 在这里 和 在这里 媒体报道. 法院的判决几乎是在同一时间 报告 that Google plans to test speedy fiber Internet 和 "experimental transmitters" in locations across the country, 包括 三角形.

Twenty-eight state legislative districts were struck down as racial gerrym和ers in federal court action on Thursday, 这一事态发展需要大会重新划定 的界限 正好赶上2018年的选举周期. 随着当前的选举周期接近尾声, 做出裁决的三名法官组成的合议庭决定让此案原封不动地展开, 为了避免混乱. The development stems from a legal challenge put forth by plaintiffs who called the district maps illegal on the basis of race, with boundaries allegedly drawn to impact the voting power of black residents 和 minimize the number of Democrat-held seats in the legislature. “这个州的公民有权在符合宪法的地区投票。.S. 巡回法官詹姆斯·韦恩在判决书中写道. 点击这里 阅读全文.

代表. 大卫•刘易斯, 一位来自邓恩的共和党人,他帮助绘制了众议院地图, 他在推特上表示,他对这一决定感到“失望”,并表示这与此前的一项裁决“矛盾”.C. 最高法院的裁决支持这些地区的现状. “然而, we are relieved for voters that the district court did not disrupt the current election that is already underway,刘易斯说. 阅读媒体报道 在这里在这里.

The General Assembly has funded a new policy center that reportedly will take a central role in efforts to revise state water pollution rules among other environmental areas. 本周的媒体报道 注意到一项建立N.C. Policy Collaboratory at UNC-Chapel Hill to research environmental 和 economic factors in how natural resources are managed. 该合作实验室还将研究改善生境和水质的新技术. 该州的预算计划每年为该中心拨款100万美元, which according to Coastal Review Online is also meant to be a policy 和 research resource to state 和 local governments 和 may make recommendations to the General Assembly.
据报道,北卡罗莱纳州的州立景点、景点和博物馆的访问量正在上升 新闻稿 这周从州长办公室来的. 这个州的地图是7.在截至6月30日的财政年度中,增长了7%, 与前一年相比, 这些自然和文化景点的总访问量增加了近1%.800万年. "Data shows that visitors from within our state 和 across the country 和 world are flocking to North Carolina to experience our natural beauty 和 quality of life that is second to none,“政府. 帕特·麦克罗里说. “随着我们人口的持续增长,越来越多的人来我们州旅游, 对州立公园进行战略性投资, 动物园和整体生活质量将为我们国家未来的发展做好准备.“种植最多的是N.C. 罗利的艺术博物馆,参观人数增加了34%.
为期五周的挑战将于9月9日结束. 各城市正在进行展示他们的太阳能友好型城市, 全国公认最好的. 这是 SolSmart 程序 《365足彩下载》在4月份的文章中写道. That federally funded initiative serves to help municipalities remove barriers to solar implementation 和 put best-practices in play to maximize economic opportunity. "We’re challenging cities to prove how solar-friendly they are by completing a SolSmart designation scorecard,全国城市365足彩下载可持续城市研究所的尼克·卡萨解释说, 谁是SolSmart管理团队的一员. 点击这里 下载参与表格及更多有关SolSmart的资料. Prizes for the best include two complimentary passes to the National League of Cities' 2016 City Summit 和 a speaking role during the summit's workshop on energy policy. “即使你的城市没有进入前两名, any community that completes a designation scorecard is eligible for no-cost technical assistance to improve their solar markets,卡萨指出.
是的,这是真的 # CityHallSelfie天 一个真正的国际庆祝活动定于8月10日星期一举行吗. 15. 世界各地的人们都会发帖 selfies, 在他们的市政厅前拍摄的, 在Facebook等社交媒体渠道上, Instagram, 在推特和Snapchat上加上#CityHallSelfie标签,让全世界都能看到. 而且还有奖品. 与地方政府领导接触(ELGL), 这是全国推广“市政厅自拍日”的组织, 说每个参与的人都将获得ELGL的coozie,并有机会赢得一个 有问题把 其他奖项. The goal: to boost interest in local government 和 to break the record for the number of selfies taken in front of a city halls in a single day. “记录是什么?? 我们不太确定,但我们认为它在9左右,”ELGL打趣道. 请鼓励您所在城镇的工作人员和居民参与.

你觉得上一集《365体育足彩》怎么样? We got great feedback from listeners interested in the science of place attachment 和 what local governments should underst和 about the way people connect to their cities 和 towns. 错过了? 没有问题. 听 在这里. 你会听到梅洛迪·沃尼克的精彩讨论, author of the new book "This Is W在这里 You Belong: The Art 和 Science of Loving the Place You Live."

一定要看本周二播出的第五集. 点击这里 预览一下. We talk with guests 包括 City of Raleigh Communications Director Damien Graham about how the city is using live music -- by way of a professionally produced government access television show -- to connect residents with their city's art scene 和 local government. 格雷厄姆指出,这有助于使政府人性化,并吸引人们注意罗利的活力. 那是八月星期二. 16, on 市政方程, 一个由365足彩下载创建的传播好想法的播客, 讨论地方层面的挑战,庆祝成功的故事. 你可以 在iTunes上免费订阅 或者找到所有过去的剧集 在这里.